Onix M Nieves Vanga (N.Vanga) is a Puerto Rican artist, storyteller, and digital poet. Onix has created a dynamic practice that incorporates new and old media, videos, drawings, code...
jennate laamyem trigger warning: swiftie behavior. only a little tho. parental discretion is advised i feel foolish. this whole year has been marked by a myriad of questionings. about...
Ambre Guetin Leperlier was born in Nice, France, and graduated as an architect in Paris. She spent two transformative years in Latin America, studying, traveling, and participating in internships...
“Heart Break of Borneo” draws its title from the “Heart of Borneo” initiative, a conservation promise by Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia to protect the island’s rainforests. This artwork vividly...
Border apartheid: the silencing and othering of bodies through oppressive colonial lines. As border fascism is on the rise, displaced people have nowhere to go. The forced movements of...
Aleena Sharif is a Pakistani female artist who focuses on oil paintings of nude female figures. The overall scaffolding behind her work is to confront issues of negative connotations...